Activities at School

The school curriculum leads to sound academic growth.However, involvement in co-curricular activities is an essential part of schooling.

Some of the activities which School provides are:

1.     Games and Sports: Skating,Basketball,Badminton,Table Tennis,Lawn Tennis, Martial arts, Indoor Games etc.

2.     Art and Craft: Drawing,Painting,Craft work and creating best out of waste.

3.     Music: Instrumental and Vocal.

4.     Computer: Multimedia Presentation,Graphics desisgning,Desktop publishing (DTP),Computer hardware,Maintainance and troubleshooting,Programming,Internet,Web desisgning,Online projects.

5.     Ecology/Environment Students: Seminars,Projects,Exhibitions,Quizes,Demonstrations,Symposiums etc.

6.     Reading Scheme Activities: Students are exposed to words ,sentences,stories as per their level,so that they enjoy hearing,repeating,understanding and demonstrating.

7.     Language Enrichment Programme (LEP): Providing opportunity for students to master the language through constant exposure to audio and audio-visual inputs to build expression and vocabulary using dialogues and discussions.

8.     Personality Development Programme (PDP): Paper presentations,radio talks,lectures and seminars,communication skills in English,manners and etiquettes and value education.