Rules And Regulations
Instructions for Guardians, Examination & Promotion, Attendance, Admission Process, Leave Rules, Termination or Withdrawals, Holidays, Fee Regulation, Guidelines for Students
Some relevant instructions for Guardian/Parents
Parents/Guardins are requested to look into their ward's home assignments regularly and in the case of even the slightest nebligence on the part of their wards, report to the Principal of the institue immediately for the sake of improvement of thier wards. In this way they would be able to secure all the best for the education of their wards through mutual co-operation.If parents or guardians have a feel that the progress of their wards is not up to their satisfaction, they may contact the head of the institution without any hesitation.Examination and Promotion
All the students reading in the institution have to appear at the Weekly and Monthly Test Examinations positively. Weekly Test Examinations are held on; the last day of every week and Monthly Test Examination in all subjects are held on the 13th of every month. The progress report cards are sent to the parents/guardians individually after the evaluation of the answer books of the student of all classes.Those students who generally avoids sitting for such examinations are not promoted to senior classes. So it is imperative on the part of each and every student to take Weekly And Monthly Test Examinations without which it would be difficult to make a correct assessment of the merit of the students. Such students often cultivate a neglecting attitude to examinations are severely punished by the Head of the institute.Attendence Rules
Attendence is also taken into consideration for promotion. Normally a student with attendance below 90% is not allowed to sit for the final examination.A letter from the parent/guradian or a medical certificate in case of illness is required to explain the cause of absense of a student from school. Students are not allowed to leave school before the completion of school hours except in emergency with a written request from the parent/gurdian.A student suffering from infection or any contagious disease will not allowed to attend the school.Procedure of Admission
- Students seeking admission will have to qualify the admission test organized have to be registered prior for admission.
- The registered students seeking admission will have to appear for the Entrance Test & Viva conducted by the School.
- Students will be admitted only when they are selected in the Entrance Test from the age of 4+ ownwards.
- Every child for admission must be introduced personally by the parents or one who will be resposible to the Principal for his/her conduct and fee.
- The admission form will be available at the school cash counter during office hours and working days.
- The admission form must be filled with the best possible accuracy.
- A student who has attended a recognized school will not be admitted without a transfer certificate from the school last attended.
- No postal communication will be entertained without pre-paid self addressed envelop accompanying the letters.
- No transfer certificates will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in the full and then only on receipt of a written application from the parents or guardians.
- A fee of Rs. 150/- will be charged to issue Transfer Certificate.
- The following documents are required at the time of admission:-
- (a) Two stamp size recent coloured photographs,
- (b) Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Corporation,
- (c) Transfer Certificate,
- (d) Medical Certificate (Mainly For Boarders)
For further details our dear parents are requested to visit the institute at regular intervals, if found positive and satisfactory, speek to your friends and relatives so that the fate of their wards can be paved.
Leave Rules
Parents and guardins will appreciate that any absence of their wards from school will retard their progress in studies. Hence parents and guardians are requested to avoid taking leave of absence for their wards unnecessarily. It is essential that the guardians should always abide by the school leve regulations.The leave of absence can be granted only on the following grounds:-- The serious illness or death of very near relative.
- The marriage of his/her near relatives.
- A religious ceremony at which presence is indispensable.
Termination or Withdrawal Rules
- Any pupil failing to show satisfactory progress or being unable to take advantage of the educational programme are subject to withdrawal/termiation from the institute.
- Those who happen to violate the rules & regulations of the intitute by creating such acts of mischief as might proove detrimental to the interest and reputation of the institute may be required to be withdrawn/terminated without assigning the reason.
- Thos who fails twice in the same class or remain absent from the institute without any information are also liable to be withdrawn/terminated immediately.
Holidays are declared in the institute on occasion of all important festivals such as Holi, Diwali, ED, Moharram etc. It is essenstial on the part of the students to be present on the closing day so as to get home assignments in different subjects for the holidays. They must try their best to turn up to the institute o the opening day so as to take lesson. Parent/Guardian are requested to send their wards to hostel just one day before the opening day so that they may have no difficulty in attending their classes - If boarders are allowed by their parents/guardians to be at home without any reason or rhyme, such students will be liabel to be severely punished. If the parents/guardians happen to send their wards to hostel late by fifteen or twenty days for any reasons, the management will not be responsible for that and consequently they will have to pay hostel charges for the whole month.Fee Regulation
- Tuition fee and Conveyance charge are released at month end.
- The date range of fee collection without fine is from 1st to 8th of the month.Note: APS holds full right to alter/ammend in fee collection date range at any time without further notification.
- The date of collection with a fine of Rs. 5/- per day is from 8th to 25th of the month.Note: APS holds full right to alter/ammend in late fine amount/charge at any time without further notification.
- Arrears of the fee of the last/previous month will be accepted up to the 15th of the next month with a fine of Rs. 50/- only.
- Name of the defaulter will be struch off the rolls after non-payment of the fee for two months as per rule given above without any further intimation to the cencerned.
- Arrears of the two months will be accepted with the re-admission fee of Rs. 500/- along with the fee of the current month upto the 15th of the month.
- Advance fee on Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Annual basis is also accepted.
- Conveyance fee will have to be paid for the period of absensce or vacation also.
- Fee for May & June AND November & December will have to be paid in the month of May and November respectively.
- Miscelleneous fees are charged yearly.
- Without fee card, the fee will not to be accepted.
- Examination fee of Rs. 600/- will have to be paid yearly.
Guidelines for Students
- Bring your school diary to the school everyday.
- Turn up to the school clean, well-grommed and inproper uniform with polished shoes.
- Remain regular to the attendance and never come to the school late.
- Do attend the assembly and other school activities.
- Bring all the text books and the writing materials required for the day.
- Study diligently and attentively in the class room, never waste your precious time while at school as well as at home.
- Ensure that your name, class subject etc. are marked on your books, exercises books, tiffin box, water bottle etc.
- Be ready to adopt good habits and shun bad ones; learn the social manners and prepare yourself for healthy citizenship in democratic society.
- Remember that the school is running for your improvement and growth and always be willing to respect its discipline and rules framed for the purpose.
- Look after the school property; help to keep it clean and avoid all pencil/ink marks on the walls and furniture.
- Insist on your parents t osign your School Diary daily and also the Examination Report Card in two days.
- Bring Identity Card regularly and follow safety rules properly.
- The students are advised not to bring valuables like costly watches, cash ad gold ornaments to the school.
- Be ready to lend a helping hand at home to parents, brothers and sisters; at school to teachers and companions.
- Students should obey house prefects, class monitors and other senior students at the school.
- For more guidelines see the school prospectus.